LSRA (1) RyuJIT (2) alignment (1) arm64 (14) assembly (4) automation (1) debugging (3) fuzzing (1) hobby (1) intrinsics (9) life (5) loop (1) optimization (1) parenting (1) performance (5) register allocation (1) tools (2) ubuntu (1) work (16) x64 (1) x86 (1)

 LSRA (1)

Genetic algorithm for Register Allocation

 RyuJIT (2)

Genetic algorithm for Register Allocation

 alignment (1)

Loop alignment in .NET

 arm64 (14)

Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 7
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 6
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 5
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 4
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 3
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 2
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 1
Programmatic blog generation
ARM64 code size
Two mystic ARM64 instructions
Peephole optimizations in .NET
Vectorization using .NET APIs
Memory barriers in ARM64
ARM64 performance of .Net Core 5

 assembly (4)

ARM64 code size
Two mystic ARM64 instructions
Peephole optimizations in .NET
Memory barriers in ARM64

 automation (1)

Programmatic blog generation

 debugging (3)

Two mystic ARM64 instructions
Memory barriers in ARM64
Debugging a hang on Ubuntu

 fuzzing (1)


 hobby (1)

Non-fictional books

 intrinsics (9)

Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 7
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 6
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 5
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 4
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 3
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 2
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 1
Programmatic blog generation
Vectorization using .NET APIs

 life (5)

Being positive in 2020
Non-fictional books
Teaching biking lessons to my 5 years old
Joining the .NET Runtime
Thoughts Jot

 loop (1)

Loop alignment in .NET

 optimization (1)

Loop alignment in .NET

 parenting (1)

Teaching biking lessons to my 5 years old

 performance (5)

ARM64 code size
Two mystic ARM64 instructions
Peephole optimizations in .NET
Memory barriers in ARM64
ARM64 performance of .Net Core 5

 register allocation (1)

Genetic algorithm for Register Allocation

 tools (2)

Doskey in Windows
ARM64 performance of .Net Core 5

 ubuntu (1)

Debugging a hang on Ubuntu

 work (16)

Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 7
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 6
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 5
Doskey in Windows
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 4
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 3
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 2
Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 1
ARM64 code size
Two mystic ARM64 instructions
Peephole optimizations in .NET
Vectorization using .NET APIs
Memory barriers in ARM64
Debugging a hang on Ubuntu
ARM64 performance of .Net Core 5
Joining the .NET Runtime

 x64 (1)

Loop alignment in .NET

 x86 (1)

Loop alignment in .NET