What is it?
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Genetic algorithm for Register Allocation
Experiment that gave great insights
This post is also part of .NET’s design docs: lsra-heuristic-tuning.
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Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 7
Sample code usage, examples and generated assembly code
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Loop alignment in .NET
Performance and stability improvement
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Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 6
Sample code usage, examples and generated assembly code
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Being positive in 2020
A long and unforgettable year
“Being positive” proved to be the most negative phrase of 2020 or on the other hand, if you have ever heard someone saying “he/she is negative”, that was the most desirable thing you wanted to hear in this pandemic year. The year 2020, being one of the worst years in...
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Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 5
Sample code usage, examples and generated assembly code
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Doskey in Windows
A hidden MS-DOS "alias" utility
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Arm64 Hardware Intrinsics APIs in .NET - Part 4
Sample code usage, examples and generated assembly code
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Non-fictional books
My favorite library collection
To make a good career, we start diving into lot of technical books since our early 20s. Some books we read over and over because either we fail to understand their content first few times or the concept itself is so intriguing that you want to refresh your memories with...
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